2D Analogue
Acrylics on Paper
 Everythingness is an autofictional animated short film about the transformative power of difficult decisions, inner conflicts and guilt. In a colorful chaos of ambivalence and brushstrokes, the protagonist embarks on her journey in search of reliable truths. When she encounters her alter-ego, she realizes that she cannot even trust her own reflection – in fact – especially not her.This film is a place where fiction and reality overflow their banks and blend into one another. It is the desire for reconciliation and a promise of patience.
Festival Selections

Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, NRW Competition, 2024
Fest Anca, International Student Film Competition, 2024
Caostica, International Shortfilm and Music Video Festival, 2024
Mobile Animation Film Festival, The Wild Ones Selection, 2024
Women X Film Festival, 2024
Animest, Bucharest International Animation Festival 2024
Kurzfilmfestival Köln KFFK, 2024

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